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A2 pour le COLLÈGE
Matériel de préparation aux examens
De nouveaux supports de cours seront mis en ligne chaque semaine
In the family and life stages
- Speaking: Giving information about yourself; Describing family members and relationships; Describing the different stages of a person's life from childhood to old age.
Vocabulary: Personal identification; Giving personal information; Family.
- Speaking Part 1 - Personal identification
Informal emails - Health and exercise
- Writing: How to write informal emails.
Vocabulary: Health and exercise; Typical words and expressions used when greeting someone in an email, writing pleasantries, attaching files, etc.
Grammar: Mixed tenses
- Exam Practice: Reading and Writing Part 6 - Health and exercise
Rise of the mammone
- Reading: Text about why many Italian adults are still living at home with their parents.
Grammar: A review of the present, present perfect and past tenses.
- Reading: Text about why many Italian adults are still living at home with their parents.
Grammar: A review of the present, present perfect and past tenses.
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